Ellen Deckwitz

Ellen Deckwitz (1982) has been unstoppable since she made her entry into the arts: award-winning collections have been published in recent years (such as De steen vreest me, Nijgh & van Ditmar, C. Buddingh Prize 2012), books about writing (the widely praised Zo word je een geweldige dichter, Atlas Contact, 2015) and the bestseller Olijven moet je leren lezen (Atlas Contact, 2016). She also regularly presents poetry slams, has won countless ones herself, and reached the final of the Dutch television programme De slimste mens. She writes weekly columns in both NRC Handelsblad and De Morgen. In 2019 her latest collection of poetry Hogere natuurkunde (Uitgeverij Pluim) was published.
Photo © Merlijn Doomernik