Stephan Vanfleteren

Stephan Vanfleteren (1969) is one of the Low Countries’ most renowned portrait photographers. His work has been published in the Flemish daily De Morgen and magazines such as Paris Match, Le Monde 2, Die Zeit, Humo and Volkskrant Magazine. In 2009, Vanfleteren won the Louis Paul Boon Prize, followed in 2011 by the Henri Nannen Prize: the most important award for photography in Germany, for his photo series Es gibt was Neues hier seit gestern in DU-Zeitschrift für Kultur. In 2012, Vanvleteren won the National Portrait Prize for a photograph of Rem Koolhaas. His work has been exhibited in many galleries, as well as the Rijksmuseum. This summer, De Bezige Bij released Vanfleteren’s book: Dagboek van een fotograaf – Coronawandelingen.
Photo © Natacha Hofman