Stine Jensen

Stine Jensen (1972) is a philosopher, writer and program maker at omroep HUMAN. She has written several books on masculinity and femininity, lying, love between Turkish people and Europeans, Scandinavia, education, emotions and identity. For example, in 2015 she published Go East – Een filosoof reist door de wereld van yoga, mindfulness en spiritualiteit, which was nominated for best spiritual book of 2015. She also writes children’s books, including Lieve Stine, weet jij het? (Kluitman), which was awarded the Zilveren Griffel in 2015. In 2017 she participated in the television program Wie is de Mol?, In 2019 she wrote the essay for the month of spirituality. At the beginning of 2021, her latest book Alles over wie ik ben (Kluitman) will be published, a philosophical book for young and old.
Photo © Romy van Leeuwen